BREAKING: Biden Gets TERRIFYING News – Nation Stunned

(dailyconservative) – Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden just received terrifying news. Millions of people across the nation are stunned — and the dynamics of the upcoming election have now fundamentally changed.

In a scientific poll conducted by Rasmussen, Biden’s support “is now at 46 percent support in the national survey of likely voters,” which represents a drop from 48% taken only a week ago. At the same time, Trump is in the process of surging.

The same poll revealed that Trump’s “support increased from 44% last week to 45%.” There is reason to believe that this is part of a trend since Biden didn’t receive a bump after the Democratic National Convention (DNC) and has started to plummet.

In the coming days, it will be interesting to see if Trump’s numbers continue to prove — especially following his speech this week at the Republican National Convention (RNC). He made the distinction between him and Biden crystal clear.

This must be a terrifying scenario for Biden and his faltering campaign. He was supposed to be the “sure thing” who couldn’t lose against Trump, but reality has revealed something different — something that contradicts the conventional wisdom.

Is this a repeat of 2016? It could be. After all, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was supposed to be the “sure thing” as well, and that didn’t work out. Trump is proving that Democrats’ attacks are having little to no effect on his energized base of support.