BREAKING: Donald Trump Issues TRAGIC Update – America Shocked

(dailyconservative) – President Donald Trump just issued a tragic update and America is completely shocked. People across the country are debating his comments with less than a week to go before the November 3 election.

“Last night Philadelphia was torn up by Biden-supporting radicals,” said Trump at a campaign rally in Wisconsin this week. “Biden stands with the rioters and I stand with the heroes of law enforcement.”

Trump continued by saying the police should just be allowed to “do their job.” Simply put, while there are certainly some bad cops — just like there are bad people in every profession — a vast majority of police serve our communities honorably.

With a Biden-Harris administration, our police officers would be under constant political and legal attack without justification. Americans must not and will not allow this travesty to happen.

Trump also took aim at Biden’s fitness for the White House. “Biden is soft and weak and too scared to be president,” he said. “He doesn’t want to be president, let’s face it. There’s a lot of bad body language.”

Let’s face it: Biden has been a has-been for many years. The Democratic Party just put him up to run because they thought he was their “best shot,” but Americans don’t want him. And they definitely don’t want anarchy in the streets of America.