That didn’t take long.
(Gateway Pundit) – Lev Parnas – Adam Schiff’s great Ukrainian Hope.
On Monday Democrats released ‘notes’ by Lev Parnas that he claims show Rudy Giuliani ordered him to to call the President Zelensky of Ukraine and tell him aid would not be forthcoming if he didn’t agree to investigate the Bidens.
But this was not a new development.
This news was already reported in The New York Times back in November!
And Rush Limbaugh called it — Predicting in November that Democrats would come back and use Lev Parnas in their attacks on President Trump.
The legendary conservative radio host predicted on November 11th that indicted Ukrainian Lev Parnas will be the Democrats’ Great Ukrainian Hope.
On Wednesday night Rachel Maddow invited Lev Parnas on to discuss his evidence that will finally take down the Orange Man and his evil pro-American regime!
Parnas, an obscure Republican donor, indicted President Trump, Vice President Pence, Rudy Giuliani, AG Bill Barr, Joe di Genova, Victoria Toensing and Rep. Devin Nunes.
Then Parnas indicted Attorney General Bill Barr.
It didn’t take long for the Department of Justice to publish a response to Lev Parnas and his claims.
“100% False.”