(breitbart) – Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas cannot say for certain that none of the 42 illegal aliens on the FBI Terrorism Watch List and No-Fly List, apprehended at the United States-Mexico border last year, were released into American communities.
During a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, Mayorkas said he did not know exactly where any illegal aliens accused of terrorism or having terrorism ties had been released into the U.S. interior after being apprehended at the southern border in 2021.
The exchange with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) went as follows:
JORDAN: Secretary, have any of the 42 illegal migrants on the Terrorist Watch List or No-Fly List encountered at our southwest border been released into the United States? [Emphasis added]
MAYORKAS: Ranking member Jordan, as I mentioned before, I will provide that data to you. With respect to the disposition of each one, I do not know the answer to your question. [Emphasis added
JORDAN: The Secretary of Homeland Security does not know the answer to the status of 42 individuals who came to our southern border illegally, are on the N0-Fly List and the Terrorist Watch List. You do not know whether they have been released or not into the country. That’s your testimony? [Emphasis added]
MAYORKAS: Ranking member Jordan, as I’ve said before, I will provide you the data. [Emphasis added]
JORDAN: I yield back to the gentlemen … that’s amazing. [Emphasis added]
Since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, 42 illegal aliens on the FBI Terrorist Watch List or No-Fly List have been apprehended at the southern border. In April 2021, two illegal aliens from Yemen arrived at the border. Both were on the Terrorism Watch List and the No-Fly List.
Former Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan has questioned to Breitbart News what exactly DHS has done with those accused of terrorism or having terrorism ties after arriving at the border.
“The real question we need to be asking this administration is, what did you do with the 23 people from the Terrorism Screening Database you took custody of?” Morgan said. “Their arrest would have triggered further investigation by the FBI and other law enforcement entities.”
“Did you release some or all?” he asked. “Did you remove some or all?”