BREAKING: Trump Takes Control – Democrats Are Furious

(breitbart) – A new poll by the Trafalgar Group gives President Trump a one-point lead over Joe Biden in Wisconsin, with no change on a previous poll carried out by Trafalgar in June.

The Trafalgar Group polled likely voters in a statewide presidential survey, with responders backing President Trump for election by 46.2 percentage points to Joe Biden’s 45.4 percentage points.

Libertarian Jo Jorgensen was backed by 3.6 percent, and 3.2 percent of respondents remained undecided. Back other candidates were 1.5 percent.

A previous poll of Wisconsin voters by the Trafalgar Group, released in June, also gave President Trump a one point lead over Biden.

The Trafalgar Group is considered by some to be a Republican-leaning pollster, although it was the only polling company to correctly gauge support for President Trump in Michigan and Pennsylvania in 2016, predicting Trump’s overall victory.

Field work was carried out before the outbreak of violence and looting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, over the shooting of charged sex offender and domestic abuser Jacob Blake, following his attempt to resist arrest. Kenosha is currently in its third straight night of rioting, with armed citizens now patrolling the streets of the town to protect local businesses from arson and looting.

Wisconsin is a battleground state in 2020. The state – including Kenosha County, scene of this week’s violent riots – narrowly voted for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in 2016. Trump carried the state by 47.22 percentage points to Clinton’s 46.45 percentage points.

It was the first time in more then thirty years that the state had voted Republican in a presidential contest, the last being Ronald Reagan’s 1984 landslide, in which Reagan carried every state in the Union save Minnesota.

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News, where he has published material from whistleblowers inside  GoogleFacebookYouTube, and Twitter.

Bokhari’s upcoming book, #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election is currently available for preoder at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retailers.