(breitbart) – More registered voters oppose the Black Life Matter (BLM) movement for the first time since May 2018, according to a CIVIQS rolling poll.
Forty-four percent of the respondents said they oppose the BLM movement, compared to 43 percent who support it. Twelve percent said they “neither support nor oppose,” and one percent said, “unsure.”
The registered voters who answered the poll were asked, “Do you support or oppose the Black Lives Matter movement?”
Broken down by age group, more of the 50 to 64 and 65-plus age groups said they oppose the movement, while more respondents in the 18 to 34 and 35 to 49 age groups said they support it. Additionally, 52 percent of male respondents oppose, while 50 percent of females support the movement.
While a majority (85 percent) of the Democrat respondents support the movement, the majority (86 percent) of the Republican respondents oppose the movement. Interestingly enough, more independent respondents opposed the movement, nearly half (49 percent), compared to only 34 percent of the independents who supported BLM.
This is the first time since May 3, 2018, that the poll had shown a higher percentage of registered voters who oppose the movement than support it. At the time, 39 percent of the respondents opposed it compared to 38 percent who supported the movement.
The CIVIQS rolling poll, as of October 28, shows there have been 278,076 responses that have been tracked since April 25, 2017.
The CIVIQS tracking model is meant to capture the shifts in attitude of various groups over time across all 50 states. These changes can happen either over time or rapidly.