Must See: Media Begins Mocking Americans For Believing Their Propaganda

(IL) – The media is responding to the surge in breakthrough cases among the double-vaxxed by mocking Americans for believing their propaganda that Big Pharma’s experimental shots would “stop death and hospitalization.”

“No, a vaccine doesn’t make you ‘Superman.'” read a headline from USA Today last week. “Breakthrough COVID-19 cases are increasing amid delta variant.”

Biden was saying just a few weeks ago the vaccines were 100% effective and the CDC was making similar ridiculous claims about this being a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

USA Today in December 2020 had former FDA commissioner-turned Pfizer board member (no conflict of interest there!) Dr. Scott Gottlieb saying we need to “get as many shots in arms as possible, right away.”

“Take whatever COVID vaccine you can get,” USA Today said in February 2021. “All of them stop death and hospitalization.”

Are they going to go back and “fact check” that comical lie?

Of course not, they’re just going to laugh at you for believing it and tell you how a third jab will be completely effective (and then a fourth and a fifth ad infinitum).

“Sorry you died in the hospital despite doing exactly what we told you would ‘stop death and hospitalization,’ the vaccines don’t make you ‘Superman!'”

Just take solace knowing that your death “could have been worse” if you “were not vaccinated at all!”