Huckabee Asserts Trump Eligible For Third Term, Says He’s Been ‘Named...

(Gateway Pundit) - Mike Huckabee is a master troll, and he trolled the @#*&%# out of Democrats on Thursday.

Eric Holder Sends Warning To John Durham, Says William Barr ‘Unfit’...

(Gateway Pundit) - Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder sent a chilling message in a very public way to U.S. Attorney John...

Jerry Nadler Caught Confused And Drooling On Himself On Live TV...

(Gateway Pundit) - Nancy Pelosi needed her generals to step up this week and Jerry Nadler did not disappoint.

Breaking: Jersey City Shooters Identified, David Anderson And Francine Graham Members...

(Gateway Pundit) - Four people were killed including a police officer, and two shooters were dead in an attack at a Kosher...

Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Letter To Barack Obama Requesting Exoneration Of Notorious...

(Gateway Pundit) - Ethel Rosenberg and husband Julius Rosenberg, two of the most notorious spies in US history, were found guilty of...

Liar And Traitor Lindsey Graham Doubles Down — Says He Will...

(Gateway Pundit) - CONFIRMED: Lindsey Graham Took Chairmanship of Judiciary Committee to Bury Democrat and Deep State Crimes. On...

This Is Almost Unbelievable, Hunter Biden “Smoking Crack” While At A...

(Gateway Pundit) - As news of Hunter Biden’s fondness for strip clubs continues to unfold, revelations came out on Wednesday that not...

Justice served! Daniel Brito Former Democrat Staffer Sentenced To Jail After...

Democrats will be Democrats (Gateway Pundit) - A former staffer for Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ)...

WOW – Deep State Down Playing Corruption Of FBI Lovers...

(Gateway Pundit) - The Washington Post reported over the weekend that a former FBI attorney altered information that supported a FISA warrant...

Rudy Giuliani Adds This Country To The List Of Corrupt Deals...

(Gateway Pundit) - President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani in on fire and put the DC swamp and their liberal media stenographers...

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