JUST IN: Dem Caught Snooping Phone Records – Now Being Sued!

(Breitbart) - Judicial Watch has sued the House Intelligence Committee and its chairman, Adam Schiff (D-CA), on Friday for records relating to...

BREAKING: Three Ukrainian Officials Just Testified UNDER OATH Proving Interference Against...

(Gateway Pundit) - The liberal #FakeNews mainstream media continues to play defense for Democrats insisting that Ukraine did NOT interfere in the...

JUST IN: Obama’s Secret Plot Uncovered – Trump Is MAD AS...

(Gateway Pundit) - Fired Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe made the decision to put what is likely the infamous pee-pee garbage story...

BREAKING – Bill Barr BUSTS Nasty George Soros Plan To Increase...

(Gateway Pundit) - Far left billionaire George Soros has been systematically targeting district attorney races throughout the United States. Many of his...

BOMBSHELL: Documents Released, Confirming Obama’s SICK crime….

(Gateway Pundit) - On Friday night former US Attorney and Rep. John Ratcliffe went on with Jason Chaffetz on Hannity and revealed...

BREAKING: Supreme Court Delivers Bombshell Impeachment Ruling… Pelosi is FURIOUS!

“…The Framers did not intend to impose additional limitations on the form of the Senate proceedings,” the Supreme Court stated in Nixon v. United...

WHOA: Adam Schiff Charged with TREASON – Gets Read His Miranda...

Give this guy an award! (Gateway Pundit) - America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam confronted Rep. Adam Schiff on Capitol Hill on Thursday before the Democrat...

BREAKING: Mike Pence REMOVAL Notice – Schiff Makes His Move… DEVELOPING

(Gateway Pundit) - Adam Schiff went on with Rachel Maddow last night to push their Trump-Ukraine conspiracy — something that was completely debunked everywhere...

JUST IN – Top Supreme Court Justice Moves to INVALIDATE...

(Gateway Pundit) - Ruth Bader Ginsburg spoke with the BBC this week about the upcoming impeachment trial in the US Senate.

Developing: Surveillance Footage Outside Of Jeffrey Epstein’s Prison Cell The Night...

(Gateway Pundit) - You just can’t make this up! Prosecutors say the surveillance footage outside of Jeffrey Epstein’s prison...

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